
2023-02 Product API Changes

Product Add Documentation

The 2.0 Add product documentation did not match the API implementation. This has now been corrected.

Product Update API

We have introduced a new 2.1 Product Update API. This allows you to update a single product or an entire variant family in a single request. See Update Products for details.

Add Single Variant

We have introduced a new 2.1 Add Single Variant endpoint. This endpoint allows users to add a variant to an existing product family. See Add Single Variant for details.

Variant Attributes API

We have added new Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD) APIs for variant attributes that allow users to fully manage he life cycle of variant attributes.

Product Guides

The product guides have all been updated with the latest recommendations around which API to use. 0.9 is deprecated, and going forward all users should use 2.0 and 2.1 endpoints.

Creating Variants
Product Variants
Updating Variants

The Composite guide has also been updated to use the new APIs.

Creating Composites

The Image upload guide has been updated with the latest features and limitations of the image upload API.

Upload Product Images